Used Marvel PA13 Horizontal Hydraulic Bandsaw Automatic (Non-PC Control). Machine is in good mechanical condition. All limit switches have been replaced. Seeping vise cylinders have been repacked, guides replaced. Chip brush dirve has been rebuilt.
- Delivery: In stock. Subject to prior sale.
- Freight: F.O.B. Windsor Locks, CT
- Terms: Payment due prior to shipping
- Customer is responsible for pick up, uncrating, setting in place and utility hook up.
Machine is under power in our shop for your inspection and evaluation. It is wired for 230-3-60
Montgomery Peterson, Inc will supply two complimentary Eberle M42 blades and one complimentary 5 gallon pail of the Eberle EP1000 Synthetic coolant.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer our machinery. If you need any additional information please contact me at your convenience.
Neal C. Peterson
(860)280-7857 Cell